Inspired by Manuel Moreale:

But I recently realized that tiers are the wrong approach. At least for me. I believe in kindness. I believe that if you decide to support something I do, you should get all the benefits, no matter how much you pay.

I also realized that 1$+/month is the best price possible when it comes to supporting online creators. The 1$ part means you can set it up and forget about it because it’s a low enough amount that won’t make too much of a difference for the majority of people who are considering supporting online creators. The + part allows you to contribute more if you want to do so. And that’s just perfect.


Jarrod Blundy, (Buy Me a Coffee)

A personal blog covering technology, Shortcuts, the great outdoors, and anything else I'm enthusiastic about.

Manuel Moreale, (Ko-Fi)

A blog where I write about everything I find interesting and that’s primarily technology, people, and how the two interact.

Gosha Tcherednitchenko, (Ko-Fi)

Ratika Deshpande, (Ko-Fi)

Kadambari is a book of essays on the art, craft, and business of writing, published one blog post at a time.

Amit Gawande, (Buy Me a Coffee)

A software developer and a writer, I publish personal stories & how-tos and code utility services around blogging.

Kev Quirk, (Ko-Fi)

A bloke who likes to waffle on about all manner of uninteresting things; like his small homestead, his site, the web, technology in general, and watches.

Kevin Humdrum, (Ko-Fi)

Steve Ledlow, (Ko-Fi)

I father, I write, I drink coffee… this is where the second one gets shared with the world.

Maique Madeira, (Buy Me a Coffee)

As a dad and husband, I'm a geek-ish photographer and technology aficionado, sharing loads of photos and ramblings.

Greg Morris, (Buy Me a Coffee)

Robb Knight, (Buy Me a Coffee)

A developer and podcaster, I build many silly web apps and use my site as a playground to try new things.

Eric Gregorich, (Ko-Fi)

Erlend Markussen Saltnes, (Ko-Fi)

Numeric Citizen, (Ko-Fi)

A compulsive contributor to the digital world using words, images, video and audio.

Keenan, (Ko-Fi)

I’m a visual and verbal artist who writes about what’s on my mind, often infused with chaos energy.

Andrea Contino, (Ko-Fi)

It's an Italian blog about communication, video games and technology — sometimes I also talk about food, books, music and TV series.

Chris McLeod, (Buy Me a Coffee)

The life and times of an elder software engineer: Over 20 years of blog posts about the internet, tech, hobbies, and personal life.

Jeannie McGeehan, (Ko-Fi)

Steve Makofsky, (Ko-Fi)

Muddling through the universe, one cup of coffee at a time on the road to Life 2.0.

C Jackdaw, (Ko-Fi)

A collection of writing about fictional magic, real magic, and whatever we're doing on the internet.

Colin Walker, (Buy Me a Coffee)

Brian DeVries, (Ko-Fi)

A software engineer living in Michigan. I share things I find interesting on my personal site.

Floh Gro, (Ko-Fi)

A developer passionate about crafting tools that simplify complex tasks to enhance digital life plus sharing anything else worth throwing into the void.

Yannick Schutz, (Ko-Fi)

A documentary photographer and software developer, I write in french and english about stuff I love like photo, travel, development, coffee and more.

Matt Langford, (Buy Me a Coffee)

The personal blog of Matt Langford, creator of Tiny Theme for

Aaron Aiken, (Buy Me a Coffee)

Personal essays inspired by my daily gratitude practice.

Stephen Gower, (Buy Me a Coffee)

I don't have a single project on the go, I create various forms of content focusing on podcasts and writing.

Darren Singleton, (Buy Me a Coffee)

I blog/ramble about a variety of subjects that interest me.

Stefan (STFN), (Ko-Fi)

I have a blog in which I write about different topics, mostly IT, programming, electronics, and occasionally astrophotography.

I don’t write online for profit, but it is nice to have it paid for the coffee now and again.
Steve Makofsky